Food Packaging & Safety

29 January – Event at Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.

As part of the Food Pack Lab programme, we organize a 1-day mission to Germany (Hannover) to talk about the technological innovation interests of companies related to food processing. Together with our international partners, we will connect companies and R&D centres from France, Germany and Spain, working in the food, packaging and photonics sectors.

In the event, hosted by Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V, our partners will have the opportunity to discuss possible collaborations to address food processing, food safety and packaging challenges. In addition, we will talk on how to collaborate in the internationalization of technologies to non-EU countries. After the workshop a block of B2B meetings and a networking dinner will be held to strengthen ties.


09.45h Registration of participant

10.00h Welcome & presentation FoodPackLab

  1. Reichl, Managing Director, Food-Processing Initiative e.V.

10.15h Welcome & presentation Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.

  1. Ripken, Head of Industrial and Biomedical Optics Department, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.

10.30h Presentations: Challenges from food companies

Possible topics: Colour detection – fresh vegetables – decay – sorting out | Detection of weld seams foil packaging (fresh and frozen goods) | Packaging optimization: tear-resistant thin films (sustainability or resource efficiency) | Alternative materials for packaging – if the legislation gives a chance! | Germ reduction by means of light influences in fresh products e.g. poultry (not UV-light) | Inspection of foil seam/ film welding seam

11.00h Presentations: Solutions from Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.

  1. Plastic welding with laser radiation, various processes and applications
  2. Glass processing with laser radiation, marking, shaping, joining
  3. Laser-based measurement methods for quality assessment of weld seams

11.30h Coffee Break
12.00h Presentations: Solutions from Photonics and packaging companies

Possible topics:Colour detection – fresh vegetables – decay – sorting out | Detection of weld seams foil packaging (fresh and frozen goods) | Packaging optimization: tear-resistant thin films (sustainability or resource efficiency) | Alternative materials for packaging – if the legislation gives a chance! | Germ reduction by means of light influences in fresh products e.g. poultry (not UV-light) | Inspection of foil seam/ film welding seam

12.40h Workshop Part I

– 2/3 work groups

– Results of the working groups: short presentation

13.20h Lunch break & Networking

@ the LZH technical center, incl. R&D demonstrations

14.45h Workshop Part II

2/3 work groups

– Results of the working groups: short presentation

15.45h Match-making – b2b / b2s meetings
16.45h Closing remarks

19.00h Networking dinner


For further details, please contact Sabine Runge ( / +34 783 36 64).

This website was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020)

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