

A look back at the final event!

On the 28th June, the FoodPackLab 2 consortium members got together for the final event to attend different conferences in […]


Increasing shelf-life of cereal products

FoodPackLab 2 gives you another opportunity to expand you business in India. FoodPackLab 2 7th mission to India last month, […]


Developp sensors for irrigation management!

FoodPackLab 2 is offering a new opportunity to enter the South African agri-tech market! A south african company specialised in […]


Sodiaal Challenge!

Here is a new challenge proposed by the partners of FoodPack Lab. Sodiaal is France’s largest dairy cooperative with brands […]


SME’s testimonies after the NAMPO Harvest Day in South Africa!

In May 2022, FoodPackLab 2 brought along SMEs in South Africa for the NAMPO Harvest Day! Some SMEs were interested […]


Innovative solutions for food security accross the value chain!

FoodPackLab will organize its final event in Dijon, France, on 28 June 2022 in collaboration with Enterprise Europe Network. The […]


A new MoU signed with Kerala!

The FoodPackLab 2 team has signed a really interesting Memorandum of understanding with the EU Chamber of Commerce and Industry […]


New packaging success story to discover: IVSILA’s usecase!

How can DeepTech and Photonics help to optimize production chains in the food industry? Discover the IVSILA success story, from OptoPartner! […]


[update] discover FoodPackLab 2 newsletter n°3

Our third newsletter is out! Our third newsletter has been launched. Discover more about 5 #deeptech startups, events and european […]


[ update! ] discover FoodPackLab2 newsletter n°1

Our First newsletter is out! 6 months after our FoodPackLab 2 launch we are very happy to share with you […]


Webinar: Innovative Solutions for Food Quality & Security

Focused virtual session for SMEs on ”Innovative Solutions for Food Quality & Security” proposed by FoodPackLab 2 19th February, 2021.[ […]

This website was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020)

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